
Promo 2004 by Putrefy (, 2004)

1. Mutilated Slutfuck
2. Hung by the Tongue
3. Pigfucker
4. Twelve Guage Facelift
5. Pleasures (With a Pick-Axe)*
6. Lust so Vile **
7. Drowned in Concrete**
8. Tits, Clits and Hacked Off Bits**
9. Putrefy (Rough Mix – no vocals)**

Contains remix versions of tracks from the “4 On 4” promo with new intros, and a “live track (*)” from 2002 Irish Tour with “Desecration” & “Abaddon Incarnate” which were also featured on the ‘Lust So Vile’ EP. Along with four new promo tracks (**).
